Copy of a book of document formularies by Saʿadya b. Yūsuf al-Fayyūmī (d. 942). T-S Ar.18(1).26, by kind permission of the Syndics of the Cambridge University Library
Some key readings and resources on the documentary geniza, including articles, manuscript catalogues, dissertations and web portals.
Update in process as of April 2021.
Articles (listed by author)
Ackerman-Lieberman, Legal Pluralism among the Court Records of Medieval Egypt
Ashur and Outhwaite, Between Egypt and Yemen in the Cairo Genizah
Cohen, M., Geniza for Islamicists, Islamic Geniza, and the "New Cairo Geniza"
Cohen, M., Maimonides and Charity in the Light of the Geniza Documents
Cohen, Z., Olszowy-Schlanger, Hahn, Rabin, Composition Analysis of Writing Materials in Geniza Fragments
Gil, References to Silk in Geniza Documents of the Eleventh Century A.D.
Goitein, all articles
Goldberg, On reading Goitein's A Mediterranean Society: a view from economic history
Goldberg and Krakowski, Documentary Geniza Research in the Twenty-First Century (2019)
Gottheil, Some Hebrew Manuscripts in Cairo
Jefferson, The Cairo Genizah Unearthed
Jefferson, Deconstructing "the Cairo Genizah"
Khalilieh, Legal Aspects from a Cairo Geniza Responsum on the Islamic Law of the Sea: Practice and Theory
Khan, The Pre-Islamic Background of Muslim Legal Formularies
Khan, A Genizah Fragment of a Judeo-Arabic Lament for the Holy Land (Hebrew)
Khan, A Judaeo-Arabic Document from Ottoman Egypt in the Rylands Genizah Collection
Khan, Annotated Judeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the Cairo Genizah (Hebrew)
Khan, Remarks on the Historical Background and Development of Early Arabic Documentary Formulae
Khan, An Arabic Document of Acknowledgement from the Cairo Genizah
Khan, On the Question of Script in Medieval Karaite Manuscripts: New Evidence from the Genizah
Khan, Paul Kahle and the Cairo Genizah Manuscripts
Khan, A Petition to the Fāṭimid Caliph al-Āmir from the Cairo Genizah Concerning an Inheritance
Khan, The function of the shewa sign in vocalized Judaeo-Arabic texts from the Genizah
Khan, The Relevance of the Genizah Documents for the History of Medieval North Africa
Khan, Vocalised Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the Cairo Genizah
Kraemer, Six Unpublished Maimonides Letters from the Cairo Genizah
Kraemer, Two Letters of Maimonides from the Cairo Genizah
Krakowski and Rustow, Formula as Content: Medieval Jewish Institutions, the Cairo Geniza, and the New Diplomatics
Little, Ḥaram Documents Related to the Jews of Late Fourteenth Century Jerusalem
Marx, The Importance of the Geniza for Jewish History (1946)
Olszowy-Schlanger, The Anatomy of Non-biblical Scrolls from the Cairo Geniza
Olszowy-Schlanger, Learning to Read and Write in Medieval Egypt: Children's Exercise Books from the Cairo Geniza
Olszowy-Schlanger, An Early Palimpsest Scroll of the Book of Kings from the Cairo Genizah
Russel, On an Armenian Word List from the Cairo Geniza
Rustow, The Genizah and Jewish Communal History
Sadan, Genizah and Genizah-like Practices in Islamic and Jewish Traditions
Shaked, Persian-Arabic Bilingualism in the Cairo Genizah Documents
Sokoloff and Yahalom, Christian Palimpsests from the Cairo Geniza
Zinger, Long Distance Marriages in the Cairo Geniza (Hebrew)
Catalogues (listed by collection)
E. N. Adler, Catalogue of Hebrew Manuscripts in the Collection of Elkan Nathan Adler (1921)
N. Danzig, קטלוג של שרידי הלכה ומדרש מגניזת קאהיר באוסף אדלר -
A. I. Katsch, The Antonin Genizah in the Saltykov Schedrin Public Library in Leningrad (1963)
A. Neubauer and A. E. Cowley, Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library, vol. 2 (1906)
S. C. Reif, Published Material from the Cambridge Genizah Collections: A Bibliography, 1896–1980 (1988)
R. J. W. Jefferson and E. C. D. Hunter, Published Material from the Cambridge Genizah Collections: A Bibliography 1980–1997 (2004)
C. F. Baker and M. Polliack, Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections: Arabic Old Series (T-S Ar. la-54) (2001)
G. Khan, A Catalogue of the Arabic Papyri in the Michaelides Collection (2009)
Cambridge Cairo Genizah Collections Bibliography (online) -
R.J.H. Gottheil and W. H. Worrell, Fragments from the Cairo Genizah in the Freer Collection (1927)
B. Halper, Descriptive Catalogue of Genizah Fragments in Philadelphia (1924)
Inventory of Geniza Fragments in HUC (handlist)
S. Shaked, A Tentative Bibliography of Geniza Documents (1964)
J. Goldberg, E. Krakowski and O. Zinger, Selected Bibliography (2019)- Part 1: Book-length collections of editions of documentary texts
- Part 2: Instrumenta studiorum (grammars, dictionaries, catalogues, and histories of the corpus and its study)
- Part 3: Major works of historiography not included in section 1
Dissertations (listed by author)
Frenkel, Miriam.
Michaeli, Murad.
Stillman, Norman.
Weiss, Gershon. Legal Documents written by the Court Clerk Halfon Ben Manasse (dated 1100-1138)
Yagur, Moshe. "Religious Identity and Communal Boundaries in Geniza Society (10th-13th centuries): Proselytes, Slaves, Apostates" (PhD dissertation, Hebrew University, 2017): Hebrew and English abstracts and table of contents only
Yagur, Moshe. "The Geopolitics of the Jewish Community of Ascalon During the Classical Geniza Period" (MA thesis, Hebrew University, 2012; in Hebrew)
Cambridge University Digital Library Images and identifications of geniza fragments held in Cambridge
- Lewis-Gibson Collection (former Westminster College collection, now jointly owned with the Bodleian)
- Taylor-Schechter, Oriental and Mosseri collections
Elkan Nathan Adler (ENA) Collection of the Jewish Theological Seminary online at Digital PU — coming soon. For identifications of documentary material, see PGP. For images of the entire collection, see FGP.
Friedberg Genizah Project (FGP) Database Images, catalogues, bibliography and computational joins suggestions across all geniza collections
Genizah Fragments at the Bodleian Libraries Database of records from the Neubauer/Cowley 1906 catalogue plus additional acquisition information
Halper and Penn Museum Geniza Collections online at the Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania: Images and detailed catalogue information
Rylands Library Genizah Collection Images and identifications of geniza fragments held in Manchester
The Islamic documents from al-Ḥaram aš-Šarif in Jerusalem (digitized microfilms from McGill University Library via archive.org)
Cambridge Genizah Research Unit Fragment of the Month
Cambridge Geniza Research Unit Instagram @cambridgegru
Princeton Geniza Lab Twitter account @genizalab